Info - Englisch
VERLAG DEGENER & CO., INH. MANFRED DREISS Am Brühl 9, 91610 Insingen, GERMANY Specializing in: Genealogy – Heraldry – History Phone: ++ 49 98 69 97 82 28-0, Fax: ++ 49 98 69 97 82 28-9 mailto:degener@degener-verlag.de homepage: www.degener-verlag.com
Dear Madam, dear Sir.
Are you searching your German ancestors? Contact us – VERLAG DEGENER in Insingen. The famous publishing house DEGENER & CO. was founded in Leipzig in 1910 and is now the leading publishing company in Germany specializing in genealogy, heraldry and (regional) history. We offer more than 1,500 different titles and three nationwide genealogical papers. Your first question when you start searching for your missing ancestors in Germany certainly is ‘Where can I get information from? Who could I contact in Germany? Who could help me there?’ We will assist you! A query in our Familienkundliche Nachrichten reaches more than 12,000 genealogists in Germany.
Placing a query in Germany’s largest genealogical magazine: Familienkundliche Nachrichten (FANA)
Your first step, however, when starting searching your ancestors from Germany should be the publication of a query in Familienkundliche Nachrichten. Familienkundliche Nachrichten (Family information news) is published four times a year. Its pages are entirely devoted to queries for “missing” ancestors. It has a circulation of over 12,000 and is a very popular way of making genealogical questions known to others. Familienkundliche Nachrichten (abbreviated FANA) is added to almost every important German genealogical paper, but it has also reached a wide distribution in Central Europe as well as in the USA within the past few years. Familienkundliche Nachrichten is sent to more than hundred genealogical societies abroad where they are held at any reader’s disposal. The price for a query is about US $ 35.00 – see the example. VERLAG DEGENER will ask you to pay in advance. Best way of payment is by credit card (VISA or Master), therefore we need your card number, the expiration date and the last three numbers on the reverse of your card (which is the control number). We also accept the equivalent of the amount cash. Familienkundliche Nachrichten is published at the end of March, June, September and December. You should send your queries to the publisher at least six week prior to the date of publication. The address of the publisher:
Familienkundliche Nachrichten Verlag Degener & Co., Am Brühl 9, 91610 Insingen, GERMANY Phone: ++ 49 98 69 97 82 28-0, Fax: ++ 49 98 69 97 82 28-9, e-mail: degener@degener-verlag.de
You should send your query in English or German detailing all that you know about the German background of your family as well as the approximate date when your ancestor(s) emigrated. VERLAG DEGENER will take the information, and compose the advertisement in German which will then be published. A typical query might look like that:
Emily Dorothee Behrmann, born in the kingdom of Hanover on 24 March 1850. She came to US in 1856. Parents: Aug. B. & Wilhelmina Hock. Other children: Anna, William, Augusta, IdaName of the person who places the query
Suche alles Nähere zu Behrmann, Emily Dorothe, * Königreich Hannover 24.3. 1850; eingewandert in die USA 1856. Eltern: Augustus B. und Wilhelmina Hock. Andere Kinder: Anna, William, Augu- sta, Ida. Name of the person who places the query
VERLAG DEGENER & CO. will provide you with a copy of the Familienkundliche Nachrichten in which your query appears. Please advise them accordingly. Since this publication is widely distributed and extensively read, you will certainly get responses to your query. If you get a response, you are asked to send the person a note of thanks along with reimbursement for the postage. Familienkundliche Nachrichten is also an extraordinarily good possibility of getting in touch with professional genealogists who offer their services in the paper. VERLAG DEGENER also provides an index and a hardcover to bind single issues of Familienkundliche Nachrichten (usually the issues published within three years are bound in one volume). Therefore your query placed in the Familienkundliche Nachrichten will have a long-standing effect.
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